There’s no time like the present for mindfulness+meditation+1:1 Sessions

It's 2024 & Life is not as it was...

We’ve been through the ringer! As a society, between war, climate crisis news, natural disasters and pandemic scares, we are stretched thin.  All of this effects us.  On top of that we have our personal lives, lessons, obstacles and challenges.  Whatever brings you here, hello. 

Meditation, body-centered therapy, including attending to the nervous system (quick route to regulate oneself and manage the daily living stressors) and contemplative coaching are tools that let you identify your emotions and internal habits so that you can take action toward positivity, peace, and understanding of yourself and the world around you. Click the button below to get a quick 2-minute check in is designed to be a daily practice and will allow you to come back to center.

Buddhist-based, mindfulness-centered online classes, therapy, and coaching.

Need a guide as you look for meaning, depth and ease in your life?

Want to apply mindfulness, Buddhism or meditation to your work with others?

Ready to soothe, calm and re-pattern your upset with Transforming Touch?

Guiding You to Your Best Self:Body-Centered Psychotherapy and Coaching in Minneapolis

Hi, I’m really glad you are here!

I’m Mia, and believe me, I know we are living in trying times. For 20+ years,  I help people understand themselves, make sense of their feelings, wants and disappointments in service of attending to your pain and making more conscious choices using the best of body and heart centered methods and practices. 

In this post pandemic era, we are waking up to the importance of knowing ourselves more truly and kindly. One key is to address our habits that get in our way.  We are being called to do the deep work of being fully human.  It’s my honor and joy to support you on that journey.

I teach tools and techniques to help you along your way toward personal and spiritual growth. I create a safe space for my students and clients both in individual sessions and through my online courses.

Forever, I’ve been curious about people, spirituality, how we communicate and a meaningful inner life.  In addition to holding a Masters of Arts degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology I’ve studied systems theory, interpersonal communication, shamanism, Tibetan Buddhism, coaching, expressive arts, all sorts of therapy, human development and generally how to live well.  Whatever benefit I’ve gained from these pursuits, I offer to you.

300 years ago we’d all have had a role in our village.  I would have been called a wise woman and we would have gathered around a fire to attend to our troubles in community.  In this less simple age, I’m not quite sure what to call myself.  None of the titles fit that well.  Think counselor/helper type meets spiritual director meets meditator who knows how to listen to you with her whole being and you end up with Buddhist-Inspired Contemplative Coaching and Consulting.

Along with some insight and felt sense of yourself,  I hope you’ll leave feeling seen, heard and appreciated for who you are and what you are up to in this life.      

My ongoing interest in learning has me studying a lot of things related to wellness.  Too many to list, here’s a sample of noteworthy trainings I’ve been lucky enough to receive, making my work not only trauma informed, but a place to resolve past and present hurts including trauma and attachment wounds.

Attachment (how we did or didn’t bond with our early caretakers) and trauma (what did and did not happen can register as “trauma”) solutions with Diane Poole Heller’s DARe Module 1.

Baby Bare,  Stephanie Johnson, developed this work, pulling together best practices for working with children’s anxiety and AD(H)D.

Body Mind Centering, with Diane Elliot and Margie Fargnoli for experiential, embodied anatomy and physiology education. 

Expressive Arts, thanks to mentoring with Dr. Alexandra Shenpen and Shambhala (Dharma) Arts.  Through movement, art making and expression we can get in touch.

How to work with inner and outer threats, by Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Janina Fischer at Therapy Wisdom Academy.

Hakomi Profession Skills Training (This work set my course, and inspired me to get a graduate degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology.)

Matrixworks, a synthesis of best practices curated by founder, Mukara Meredith for creating caring, high functioning groups. 

Transforming Touch and Transforming Intentional Touch are both gentle protocols for regulating the nervous system. 


"And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?"

~ Rumi

Deepening your self-awareness (Which is said to be “a cure” in itself!) so you feel hopeful, more comfortable and equipped to meet your challenges are hallmarks of my work with my others. As a teacher, therapeutic coach and guide based in Minneapolis, MN, USA,  online classes, groups and individual sessions are inspired by the best of body-centered,  Buddhist based approaches, including Non Violent Communication, Hakomi Method, Gestalt, Internal Family Systems, Transforming Touch or Transforming Intentional Touch, neuroscience and mindfulness. You can learn more ways to treat yourself with true care and kindness.

Kind Feedback about Working with Mia

Mia has a depth of knowledge that makes her a gifted helper. She sees the shining parts of you, even when you can’t. Then, you get brighter too. This is the magic of Mia.

In my individual sessions with Mia, I talked about everything! Never felt judged! From parenting challenges to personal confusion. She is a kind presence with just the right tools and and encouragement.

Mia helped me open doors I didn’t even know were there. What an incredible blessing to have her in my life! So very grateful for her wisdom, spot on insights and giant heart.

May all beings be happy

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Hakomi and Transforming Touch therapy and coaching sessions in Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN to help your deep nervous system regulation. Learn more about body-centered therapeutic work on the blog.

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