Right now, the arrangement of the heavens is in even greater support of self-acceptance. I am no astrologer, and the info is clear, that we are in a time that will support a deeper knowing of our wellness If you’ve been putting off working with your internal negativity, don’t wait. There is extra energetic support now for cultivating more self-care, love and acceptance.
I posted a little bit more here, in our Inner Critic Solutions facebook group. Of course, that’s free, and you are welcome to join. Go to my home page, to get more suggestions for how to bring more gentleness to yourself. Download the free guide, to you, from me, with wishes that you know your own goodness!

Many thanks to Dr. Janette for the heart image. She is doing some great work with teens in Fresno. Check her out!
1 thought on “Self-Acceptance Now”
Mia, I love to see you and listen to your wisdom. I connect best outside, lookong up and sky and feeling the wind on me .