Wonder what keeps me fortified in my work with others? Short answer: self-care.
It’s an afternoon like this.

Welcome to my “other” office. I’m the spot of blue, hands up, at the edge of the patio. Whenever possible, I find myself tending to the more administrative side of life in a gorgeous setting. Part of what I rely on is ample time to tend my own world, both inner and the more mundane matters of all it takes to keep life going. This is self-care. I like to find ways that feel nourishing and grounding, in whatever I’m attending to. In so doing, I am much more able to be of genuine benefit to others. The right amount of time in beautiful and natural places is always a sure win for me.
I aim to embody and model great self-care. It’s one of the topics that always comes up in mentoring and educating others, including clients and other therapists and coaches. How are we going to stay more than adequately nourished, from the inside out? Whatever your ways, let’s encourage each other to make them a part of daily life.
It can be as simple as pausing to reflect on my good fortune. Need a quick self reflection tool, so you can connect to yourself? I made one for you. Here it is. It’s one of the ways I stay in touch with how I am. Then, I can better know how to direct my self-care. Smart, right?
The photo, sent to me by a dear friend who caught my self-care in action, reminds me to keep doing what I know works for me.
And, to drink in the privilege of being surrounded by such beauty. Let this inspire you to do something that feels like it helps you to be more connected to your own, heart, mind and spirit. That’s the point of self-care after all, yes? Goodness knows, Covid-19 Days makes it all the more necessary!